Modular Environment Set
Sci-Fi Hallway created for Environment Master Class with David Lesperance taken through UArtsy.
My idea was to create a Factory like environment to fit a level I've been creating. Screenshots are from Unreal Engine 4.
Main Tunnel Part. In an effort to save texture space I unwrapped the following meshes onto one sheet. The meshes themselves were brought into Unreal separately. These section can be seen above.
Wall Polygons: 5,790 Triangles: 11,424 Floor Polygons: 1,130 Triangles: 2,265 Wall Cover Polygons: 818 Triangles: 1,632
Normals + Emissive
Here's the main Wall Texture sheets. It is also part of the Inner Corner Piece that I made and can probably be used for any additional modular sections. e.g. Outer Corner, 45 Corners, etc. It's 2048 x 2048.
Door plus the doorjam. The Gears are on a separate map which is only 512 x 512. This one is 2k because of the shear number of pieces. Unfortunately the gears are super hi poly in my opinion. They work great and animate perfectly, but for where they are an alpha texture might have be better. Though it would have complicated things in Unreal.
Polygons: 6,313 Triangles: 12,230 Gears Polygons: 5,569 Triangles: 10,174
Doorway piece. Simple little guy to break up the hallway repetition. 1024 x 1024
Polygons: 1,707 Triangles: 3,358
Here's the Inner Corner Floor section. Because it's basically all floor, I could definitely use this as a texture atlas for more variations. Ended up making a center piece because of seam issues. Upper Left corner has been moved to a smaller 512 map that also includes some wires. 1024 x 1024
Polygons: 1,473 Triangles: 2,950
And here's a deco piece that I wasn't sure was going to make it in before the end of the class, but after making the other pieces with dDo, the process was much easier to follow and there were far less materials to consider. Could use some tertiary detailing, but it's on the ceiling and mostly in shadow. 1024 x 1024 on this one also.
Polygons: 4,128 Triangles: 8,232